Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Run down

Woke up an hour before I needed to get up (thank you Miss Sunday) and of course yesterday when she slept in the other one woke up early. Can't catch a break.

Went to gymnastics class today. Braelee is doing great.  Followed along the whole class got to do the bars today for the first time she enjoyed "swinging like a monkey."

On the way home she requested that we listen to  "the leggings song" which translates to "single ladies" apparently we are a little off.  :) However, I was able to decipher when she told me is was "put a ring on."  We have then heard the song about 10 times thus far; needless to say I am beginning to like it less and less.

I actually started and finished a craft during nap time.  A calender page for the month of October that has a peel away candy corn for each day; so I can demonstrate when it is time to trick or treat and hopefully she will stop asking every day.

Sunday is beginning to get into everything.  Followed Braelee into the bathroom and tried to put her hand in the bowl while Braelee was still sitting there.  Yuck!

I am trying to start my project life album.  So this should be fun to keep track of everything.  However, one major hitch.  I will actually have to get photos printed so that I can put them into the album.  This will be challenging.

Braelee is also into singing Old McDonald, however it goes a little something like this.  "Elmo had a farm e-i-e-i-i and he had a chicken e-i-e-i-i, elmo had a farm, etc...."  It is kinda garbled but the Old McDonald is so smushed together it sounds like elmo.  Wierd kid.

Hopefully tomorrow is a great day.  Evening should be fun Jack Johnson with the girls.  Good times!

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