Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lack luster

I am feeling a little lack luster about blogging today since it is already 10pm.  I will not drag this on, just list some of the interesting parts of the day.

6am me to Braelee "It's time to get up we need to get going." She, with her eyes still closed rolls over and says "I can't get myself down yet, just a minute."

Sunday is on day two of accidental dairy encounter.... Needless to say she has ruined a few out fits and desitin is now a necessity.

Braelee painted me a picture of a tootsie roll and a lollipop while waiting for dinner. 

Sunday waved to the phone when dad was on speaker phone and was talking to her.  Was so cute, she hasn't done it too many times and it was perfect timing.  Growing so fast...

Lastly both girls went to bed without problems, now lets keep the fingers crossed that they stay there...


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