Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snack Time

Tonight I finally gave into my cravings and made the snack that I have been thinking about since the Cheerios have taken up residence all over my house (thank you Sunday).  It is a delicious concoction made of Cherrios, of course... Peanuts, raisins, butter and sugar.  Where could you go wrong, right?  It is like like a distant cousin to the more popular, caramel corn.  Although equally delicious, this particular snack has a lot more crunch-factor.  For those of you who actually read this and are a little intrigued about this I will post the recipe so that you can test it for yourself.  However, you must heed my warning; this delicious, somewhat ;) healthy snack is wickedly addicting and before you know it the whole batch will be gone.  So if you dare to try you may want to be sure that you have someone to share it with, because it is quite possible that you could eat it all completely by yourself.  Trust me!

Cheerios Snack (courtesy of the Cheerios box, circa 1980 something, my mom made this when we were kids)

Not the actual box from 1980 something, just the one I had in the cupboard.  That would be wierd
 Pouring the liquid mixture over the Cheerios
 Extreme close up
1/2 c. Margarine
1 c. Brown sugar
1/4c. Light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp Baking soda
6c. Cheerios
1c. Peanuts
1c. Raisins

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Heat 1st 4 ingredients in sauce pan until bubbly around the edges.  Cook 2 more minutes after that.  Remover from heat and stir in soda until foamy light color.  Pour over the Cheerios mixture and put into oven for 15 min.  (Side note once you pull the pan out of the oven you may want to stir up the mixture; because if you let it cool completely it will stick to the pan and be very hard to get out. )  Enjoy!

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