Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here goes nothing

So lately I have become a lot more aware of the world of blogging.  I made a rather weak attempt at it a year ago.  However, recently I have been inspired by many wome who have started a blog as a way to journal/recount their family activities, habits and overall chaos.  Also many of these women are using these blogs to swap ideas, crafts, photos, recipes.  You name it someone probably has a blog about it.  So I thought why not jump in.  I have a always wanted to be a follower of trends :) In addition I (in a previous life) was an avid crafter/scapbooker/creator.  Unfortunately, those activities/times are becoming few and far between so I am thinking pehaps by setting up a blog I will be able to recount our families activities (since I was never much of a journal writer) and at the same time get inspired to actually create something that people may be interested in reading.  Emphasis on MAY.  All in all the idea behind my new project random, is to blog about something (hopefully on a daily basis) that is just a random thought, idea, occurance or whatever my heart desires everyday for the next year and then next fall to look back on how random my life is and what shaninigan's we have gotten ourselves into.  This should be fun.  More to come...

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