Thursday, September 23, 2010

SImple v. Material

Okay, so today I once again thought about a problem that is brewing in our house.  We are becoming overwhelmed by stuff.   I don't consider myself a hoarder but I always wonder what the neighbors think when they watch me step out of my car with yet another bag.  We have a small house and it is becoming over filled quickly.  This makes me think; what could we do without?  Do I really need the new pair of shoes, the decorations, those jeans for the girls.  I have found myself lately wanting a simpler existence.  One where I am free of  material needs.  You have the essentials and you are perfectly content.  The problem for me is that I want to throw everything out one minute; the next I have spotted the newest technological gadget or latest fashion trend and feel like I should have it.  I am constantly trying to live two lives.  This is something that has been bothering me lately (obviously not enough to change).  Until I figure out a solution I will keep trying to keep my dual personalities at ease.  Hopefully this idea will encourage others to think about what they could live with out.  Until next time.

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