Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Preview

So I have been wanting to put the girls into their Halloween costumes to see how they look together.  It was so cute Sunday is great as the bunny and Braelee as Alice is very cute.  They only sat still for a few seconds, so I quickly snapped a few pictures in our poorly lit living room shortly before bedtime.  This was the result.  By the way.... Noise level still on high around here.  Had a phone call and the person on the other end asks "What is going on over there?" Me- "Nothing its always like this.  Don't you wish you were here!"

Blogger is giving me issues first the video wouldn't load now I can't upload pictures from my computer.  WTH  I will try again but if I continue to try right now Jeff may come home to a smashed monitor.  Oooops.
Finally I succeed...............

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