Saturday, October 23, 2010


The noise level in my house has reached an all time high.  Today was so loud that I could barely stand it.  You would think with only 3 people here that it would not get that ridiculous, but we have found a way.  Braelee and Sunday have decided the best way to communicate with each other is through screaming.  Then for extra fun when they don't get what they want/get hurt/don't share/I walk out of the room the screaming cry comes into play, and it follows me where ever I go.  Are you kidding!  Sunday was in rare form she was whiny pretty much all day until about the last hour where her and Braelee were playing a game (albeit a screaming one).  But at least they were screams of playfulness not whining. 
I tried to upload the video but it was too large apparently.  Annoying!

I succeeded here it goes. However, the noise level diminished once I started recording.  I assure you it was much louder prior.

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