Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Feeling crafty

So I have decided to try and organize a monthly craft group I am hoping that it will be lots of fun for us ladies to be able to join together and get to visit and be creative.  Fabulous.  I am just hoping that it will all work out.  Trying to fit into the schedules of 6-8 busy ladies can be a challenging task.  Well however it turns out I am excited at the idea and I think it could be loads of fun.  Now on to finding the ideas....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Preview

So I have been wanting to put the girls into their Halloween costumes to see how they look together.  It was so cute Sunday is great as the bunny and Braelee as Alice is very cute.  They only sat still for a few seconds, so I quickly snapped a few pictures in our poorly lit living room shortly before bedtime.  This was the result.  By the way.... Noise level still on high around here.  Had a phone call and the person on the other end asks "What is going on over there?" Me- "Nothing its always like this.  Don't you wish you were here!"

Blogger is giving me issues first the video wouldn't load now I can't upload pictures from my computer.  WTH  I will try again but if I continue to try right now Jeff may come home to a smashed monitor.  Oooops.
Finally I succeed...............

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The noise level in my house has reached an all time high.  Today was so loud that I could barely stand it.  You would think with only 3 people here that it would not get that ridiculous, but we have found a way.  Braelee and Sunday have decided the best way to communicate with each other is through screaming.  Then for extra fun when they don't get what they want/get hurt/don't share/I walk out of the room the screaming cry comes into play, and it follows me where ever I go.  Are you kidding!  Sunday was in rare form she was whiny pretty much all day until about the last hour where her and Braelee were playing a game (albeit a screaming one).  But at least they were screams of playfulness not whining. 
I tried to upload the video but it was too large apparently.  Annoying!

I succeeded here it goes. However, the noise level diminished once I started recording.  I assure you it was much louder prior.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


So I have been haunted by the fact that I tons of pictures that I have never printed and have uploaded to the computer but not backed up.  It seems like an overwhelming task to back up the existing files, upload/order prints, and then actually format my SD card so there is not 800 pictures on my camera at all times.  I just don't even know where to start.  I need someone to do it all for me.  I went from being a very well organized person, to someone who lives in a constant state of chaos.  Nothing of mine has a place or the place is so small that only 50% is able to be crammed in the area.  Leaving the other 50% to be buried somewhere currently not easily accessible.  So annoying.  So as I rant on about the millions of pictures currently taking up residence on my computer hard drive but no where else.  I will look back a randomly select a few that I thought were fun. Daunting as it is....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One more day

I am glad it is Wednesday I am ready for the week to be over. However, that means my other full time job begins.  Arg... never a moment of peace.

Monday, October 18, 2010


So, my goal to blog daily is a little rocky.  It was a weekend away at the coast.  Braelee got to run around outside because the weather was nice.  Lovely.  I was able to get some baking done for a birthday cake I said I would make.  It was a rocky process but I think the end result turned out pretty cute. I am going to shoot for blogging more often this week.  Very excited, tomorrow I get my braces off.  After nearly 2 years, yes!  Most people won't wonder what I am talking about because I did the invisalign braces, but I have so many clear notches on my teeth that I can hardly wait until they are gone. 

 Here are a few pictures from the pumpkin patch and the cake that I made.

On a side note Braelee informed me today that she played Hide and Seed at the sitters today with some of the girls and Sunday is getting some new upper teeth.  Laterals or canines, can't quite tell.  Of course she doesn't have the centrals yet, but the timing couldn't be better.  She will look like a vampire for Halloween.  One small problem, I already purchased the bunny costume. Ooops...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So I bit the bullet and finally ordered the bunny costume I have been eyeing for the last week.  Braelee will be Alice (courtesy of the Disney store) and Sunday will be the cutest bunny in her Tom Arma costume.  Can't wait to take their pictures.  Now to decide if I should follow my thoughts of dressing as the Queen of Hearts. Hmmmm....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ok... so it has been a week since my last post.  Nothing terribly exciting has been going on.  Did a photoshoot with Kristen today (fun) will be fun to see the pictures.  Back to work tomorrow. yeah! 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday catchup

Last night was tons of fun at the Jack Johnson concert.  5 rows from the stage.  I could actually see the facial expressions of all the band members without having to look on the big screen.  Yes!

Finally got my hair done today.  Went back to brown. A lot less maintenence.  Also, finally purchased a pair of boots I have been looking at for 2 years now.  (and I don't even feel bad about the purchase; we are making progress :)

Back to work tomorrow.  Joy.  Enough for now hopefully tomorrow will be great.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday Run down

Woke up an hour before I needed to get up (thank you Miss Sunday) and of course yesterday when she slept in the other one woke up early. Can't catch a break.

Went to gymnastics class today. Braelee is doing great.  Followed along the whole class got to do the bars today for the first time she enjoyed "swinging like a monkey."

On the way home she requested that we listen to  "the leggings song" which translates to "single ladies" apparently we are a little off.  :) However, I was able to decipher when she told me is was "put a ring on."  We have then heard the song about 10 times thus far; needless to say I am beginning to like it less and less.

I actually started and finished a craft during nap time.  A calender page for the month of October that has a peel away candy corn for each day; so I can demonstrate when it is time to trick or treat and hopefully she will stop asking every day.

Sunday is beginning to get into everything.  Followed Braelee into the bathroom and tried to put her hand in the bowl while Braelee was still sitting there.  Yuck!

I am trying to start my project life album.  So this should be fun to keep track of everything.  However, one major hitch.  I will actually have to get photos printed so that I can put them into the album.  This will be challenging.

Braelee is also into singing Old McDonald, however it goes a little something like this.  "Elmo had a farm e-i-e-i-i and he had a chicken e-i-e-i-i, elmo had a farm, etc...."  It is kinda garbled but the Old McDonald is so smushed together it sounds like elmo.  Wierd kid.

Hopefully tomorrow is a great day.  Evening should be fun Jack Johnson with the girls.  Good times!