Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lack luster

I am feeling a little lack luster about blogging today since it is already 10pm.  I will not drag this on, just list some of the interesting parts of the day.

6am me to Braelee "It's time to get up we need to get going." She, with her eyes still closed rolls over and says "I can't get myself down yet, just a minute."

Sunday is on day two of accidental dairy encounter.... Needless to say she has ruined a few out fits and desitin is now a necessity.

Braelee painted me a picture of a tootsie roll and a lollipop while waiting for dinner. 

Sunday waved to the phone when dad was on speaker phone and was talking to her.  Was so cute, she hasn't done it too many times and it was perfect timing.  Growing so fast...

Lastly both girls went to bed without problems, now lets keep the fingers crossed that they stay there...


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snack Time

Tonight I finally gave into my cravings and made the snack that I have been thinking about since the Cheerios have taken up residence all over my house (thank you Sunday).  It is a delicious concoction made of Cherrios, of course... Peanuts, raisins, butter and sugar.  Where could you go wrong, right?  It is like like a distant cousin to the more popular, caramel corn.  Although equally delicious, this particular snack has a lot more crunch-factor.  For those of you who actually read this and are a little intrigued about this I will post the recipe so that you can test it for yourself.  However, you must heed my warning; this delicious, somewhat ;) healthy snack is wickedly addicting and before you know it the whole batch will be gone.  So if you dare to try you may want to be sure that you have someone to share it with, because it is quite possible that you could eat it all completely by yourself.  Trust me!

Cheerios Snack (courtesy of the Cheerios box, circa 1980 something, my mom made this when we were kids)

Not the actual box from 1980 something, just the one I had in the cupboard.  That would be wierd
 Pouring the liquid mixture over the Cheerios
 Extreme close up
1/2 c. Margarine
1 c. Brown sugar
1/4c. Light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp Baking soda
6c. Cheerios
1c. Peanuts
1c. Raisins

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Heat 1st 4 ingredients in sauce pan until bubbly around the edges.  Cook 2 more minutes after that.  Remover from heat and stir in soda until foamy light color.  Pour over the Cheerios mixture and put into oven for 15 min.  (Side note once you pull the pan out of the oven you may want to stir up the mixture; because if you let it cool completely it will stick to the pan and be very hard to get out. )  Enjoy!

Monday, September 27, 2010


 Some of the decorations that are around the house, enjoy....

 Braelee and her new found hobby, painting.  She asks to paint all the time.
 She needed the new spider (decorations) to watch her paint.  Every artist needs an audience, I guess.

Sunday having a snack while I decorate the Picasso paints the newest master piece.
As I get older I am beginning to love fall more and more.  When I was younger I like the Christmas holidays (for the obvious reasons: the loot).  I also was a fan of the summer because that meant swimming, sunshine, cute clothes and warm weather. (I still enjoy the summer however, there are a few hiccups in my giddiup now)  I no longer swim with out a water outfit (because I can no longer be seen in a swimsuit; thank you children) and the cute clothes are no longer flattering with some excess me squeezed in, so..... I have been changing my perspective one season at a time.  Now I enjoy the fall: the weather, the clothes (jeans and the occasional sweatshirt), the smells, the colors, and the decorations.  It is official people I am a new found believer in autumn.  And for this I have been very motivated to decorate for the up coming holiday one of my favorites Halloween.  Here is a few photos of the decorations that have recently taken up residence around my house.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


So my idea to blog daily is already off to a bad start.  For the last two days I have been busy re-doing my front lawn.  Everything was tilled, raked, tilled again.  Finally we were ready to seed.  Hopefully soon we will have a new beautiful lusciously green lawn.  In other words I have been busy during most of the day and then when we finished for the evening I was too tired to even think about logging on to the computer.  So, today marks the end of my hiatus.  Soon to come pictures of the lovely grass.  Fingers crossed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

SImple v. Material

Okay, so today I once again thought about a problem that is brewing in our house.  We are becoming overwhelmed by stuff.   I don't consider myself a hoarder but I always wonder what the neighbors think when they watch me step out of my car with yet another bag.  We have a small house and it is becoming over filled quickly.  This makes me think; what could we do without?  Do I really need the new pair of shoes, the decorations, those jeans for the girls.  I have found myself lately wanting a simpler existence.  One where I am free of  material needs.  You have the essentials and you are perfectly content.  The problem for me is that I want to throw everything out one minute; the next I have spotted the newest technological gadget or latest fashion trend and feel like I should have it.  I am constantly trying to live two lives.  This is something that has been bothering me lately (obviously not enough to change).  Until I figure out a solution I will keep trying to keep my dual personalities at ease.  Hopefully this idea will encourage others to think about what they could live with out.  Until next time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here goes nothing

So lately I have become a lot more aware of the world of blogging.  I made a rather weak attempt at it a year ago.  However, recently I have been inspired by many wome who have started a blog as a way to journal/recount their family activities, habits and overall chaos.  Also many of these women are using these blogs to swap ideas, crafts, photos, recipes.  You name it someone probably has a blog about it.  So I thought why not jump in.  I have a always wanted to be a follower of trends :) In addition I (in a previous life) was an avid crafter/scapbooker/creator.  Unfortunately, those activities/times are becoming few and far between so I am thinking pehaps by setting up a blog I will be able to recount our families activities (since I was never much of a journal writer) and at the same time get inspired to actually create something that people may be interested in reading.  Emphasis on MAY.  All in all the idea behind my new project random, is to blog about something (hopefully on a daily basis) that is just a random thought, idea, occurance or whatever my heart desires everyday for the next year and then next fall to look back on how random my life is and what shaninigan's we have gotten ourselves into.  This should be fun.  More to come...