Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally have gotten my own computer and I am shooting for updating the blog more often and with pictures.  Can I get a yeah!  I have been spending sometime lately looking at blogland and I have made some observations.

1. There are millions of blogs out there written by some very witty, funny, crafty women that really inspire me to want to create.
2. I am becoming aware of the world of thrifting and I am looking forward to getting out there more this spring and summer.
3. A lot of people on their blogs are talking about becoming debt free and the process of creating beautiful homes on little to no budget... I am all ears.  The idea of being debt free is sounding better and better. 
4. Lastly, I need to get out my camera more.  I have been totally lame these last few months I will take a photo here and there, but need/would like to be much more consistent. So here goes. 

Today I took the girls outside for a little impromptu photo session.  We got a few good shots in the few minutes that I could hold their attention. 


Enough for today can't go all in in one day.  Will shoot for more tomorrow.

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