Sunday, February 27, 2011

My love hate relationship with clothes

So I am sure I am like 90% of women out there that love to get new clothes.  The way you feel in new clothes how they fit just right (before the fading, wearing and stretching).  I have become victim more times that I would like to admit for a deal on a piece that I just thought I had to have and then it has sat in my closet ever since. 

I have been trying to purge a lot this winter.  Not only things of my own, but things of my girls as well.  I have condensed my closet down to half of the closet (all of which use to be mine before baby #2). 

However there is still one mounding problem and thus my war against clothes...

The mounding pile of laundry I have every week.  It takes me either one day of all day washer and dryer running or a few times a weekend to get all the clothes washed.  Currently I am only doing laundry for 3 of the 4 residents in the house, but it is still a huge pile.  My main problem with this is that come next week I will have to do it all over again.  Arrrgg...  I am over the washing, drying, sorting, folding and if I am lucky putting away. 

I have been guilty on more than one occasion of just letting the folded laundry stay in the basket until it is all worn.  I have also left it on a large pile on the bed for more than a few days.  I think I am just going to throw it on  the floor in one room and let everyone have a free for all to decide what they would like to wear for the day.  May not work out so well, but you are getting my point.  I am OVER IT!

Enough said... moving on.

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