Sunday, February 27, 2011

My love hate relationship with clothes

So I am sure I am like 90% of women out there that love to get new clothes.  The way you feel in new clothes how they fit just right (before the fading, wearing and stretching).  I have become victim more times that I would like to admit for a deal on a piece that I just thought I had to have and then it has sat in my closet ever since. 

I have been trying to purge a lot this winter.  Not only things of my own, but things of my girls as well.  I have condensed my closet down to half of the closet (all of which use to be mine before baby #2). 

However there is still one mounding problem and thus my war against clothes...

The mounding pile of laundry I have every week.  It takes me either one day of all day washer and dryer running or a few times a weekend to get all the clothes washed.  Currently I am only doing laundry for 3 of the 4 residents in the house, but it is still a huge pile.  My main problem with this is that come next week I will have to do it all over again.  Arrrgg...  I am over the washing, drying, sorting, folding and if I am lucky putting away. 

I have been guilty on more than one occasion of just letting the folded laundry stay in the basket until it is all worn.  I have also left it on a large pile on the bed for more than a few days.  I think I am just going to throw it on  the floor in one room and let everyone have a free for all to decide what they would like to wear for the day.  May not work out so well, but you are getting my point.  I am OVER IT!

Enough said... moving on.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally have gotten my own computer and I am shooting for updating the blog more often and with pictures.  Can I get a yeah!  I have been spending sometime lately looking at blogland and I have made some observations.

1. There are millions of blogs out there written by some very witty, funny, crafty women that really inspire me to want to create.
2. I am becoming aware of the world of thrifting and I am looking forward to getting out there more this spring and summer.
3. A lot of people on their blogs are talking about becoming debt free and the process of creating beautiful homes on little to no budget... I am all ears.  The idea of being debt free is sounding better and better. 
4. Lastly, I need to get out my camera more.  I have been totally lame these last few months I will take a photo here and there, but need/would like to be much more consistent. So here goes. 

Today I took the girls outside for a little impromptu photo session.  We got a few good shots in the few minutes that I could hold their attention. 


Enough for today can't go all in in one day.  Will shoot for more tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mission Impossible

So my mission to create order in my life/house is off to a rocky start.  Every time I turn around someone is making a mess where I had just cleaned up (husband included).  I mean REALLY people.  I have spent most of my day cleaning things and don't have much to show for it.  I think I need a week at home alone to fully accomplish what I want to do.  (Never gonna happen)  I either need to become nocturnal and work during the night (could be slightly problematic due to the small people running around my house during the day would allow for no rest.) Or, somehow learn to embrace the clutter, disorganization, mess, and chaos and learn to be happy with it.  I am guessing that the latter is never going to happen.  Just not me.  When everything is clean and put away I feel more relaxed and at piece.  So, I guess the solution to my problem is less sleep MORE CAFFEINE...  Photos tomorrow I promise

Saturday, January 1, 2011

One drawer closer

I am a little closer to my plan to enact organization back into my life.  This evening I started small.  My bathroom drawers. The plan is to get through one room at a time so that I actually finish.  Tomorrow... possibly the Braelee's room or my closet. Yikes, either is daunting.  My other act of organization is to come up with a weekly meal plan and stick to it.  This would help me two fold: know what the heck I am doing and hopefully eat better.  Wish me luck!