Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Wrap up

It has been a long time since I blogged with the holidays and being out of the country I haven't done much of anything lately, except try to manage the chaos.  I think a good way to close out this year is to back track and list my highlights of this last year.

1.  Hooray for Jeff back to work in 2010.  This helped my stress level immensely not just monetarily but my sanity as well.
2. Getting to see Sunday grow through her first year.  Thank goodness we made it.  Was a little hairy in the beginning there.  Looking back I think we/I learned a lot.
3. We got to take a camping vacation this year.  Was good to be out in the fresh air.  Braelee enjoyed it and even jumped off the back of the boat into the middle of the lake.  Her favorite quote from the trip was telling Steve to "Hit it" in the boat.
4. We started some home improvement projects this year due to a fingernail polish mishap :(  However, they are not fully complete.  I am hoping that 2011 will bring these to a close.
5. We had a good time this fall seeing Braelee participate in dance and gymnastics class.
6.  Yeah Zumba.  We are destined to become good friends in 2011.
7.  I enjoy seeing Braelee and Sunday beginning to play with each other.  It is very entertaining and lessens the load on me for constant entertainment :)
8.  The craft group has been a much needed interaction with adults and gives me an outlet to actually be creative.
9. Christmas was good the girls were spoiled.  Fun to see them excited opening their presents.
10.  Participated in my first Portland to Coast race.  Was exhausting and fun at the same time.  Highlight: walking 4 miles at midnight in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere.  Lovely.
11.  Lastly, how could I forget my much needed vacation.  7 days with no children.  Was relaxing, just what I needed after having a rough couple of years.

Some Random Photos of 2010

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