Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Catch Up

So I haven't blogged for a little while so here are some random things that have gone on in our household over the last weeks.

1. Halloween has passed.  Braelee had a lot of fun trick or treating and then was dissappointed the next day when people started taking down their decorations.  Now she is looking forward to Christmas.
2. I have tried 2 Zumba classes.  It is a lot of fun and hopefully I don't look completely ridiculous.
3. The other night Braelee walked around the house announcing that "my job is um, I am 3 1/2.  Um, so my job is..."
4. Jeff got a new truck this last weekend.
5. The girls are still coughing, a cloud of sickness has taken up around our house.
6. I had the girls take some pictures in the fall leaves was fun.
7. Braelee is riding her bike without any help. Minus the turning part.
8. Jessica and Chenzi came over to make cakes and Braelee was excited.  Keeps talking about her friend Chenzi.

Just a little tid bit into the last week of our lives...

 P.S.  My grass is in and green... Yeah!

 Jessica and Sunday
 Chenzi and Braelee with their creations
 Sunday napping while dad looks at trucks

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